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November 22, 2009

Seafield and Site Update

We viewed Friday’s wild action in Seafield Resources (SFF, TSX-V) as sort of a comical side show prior to the start of the much anticipated main event, which is going to be a meteoric Galway-style move that will dazzle many investors.

As a matter of disclosure, we have a sizeable position in Seafield which we have accumulated since May from a nickel to 19 cents. It is our belief that we will be able to sell our shares between one and three dollars, not tomorrow but soon enough. If you’re a skeptic, then I strongly suggest you carefully read our special report on Seafield which will be posted soon.

There has been massive accumulation of Seafield by some very astute investors over the past few months, and that accumulation is intensifying. Accumulation in the open market and through some cheap private placements.

Hold on to your Seafield shares for dear life. DO NOT – we repeat – DO NOT be fooled or manipulated into selling for a few cents’ profit by the growing number of professional day traders and those (or others) with large positions in this stock who are playing some games, we think, to shake some people loose of their Seafield stock at ridiculous prices.

Folks, this company is sitting on what we have reason to believe is going to be confirmed as a multi-million ounce proven and mineable gold resource in at least three distinct areas at Quinchia in Colombia. Our upcoming special report will go into more specifics on this. With its current market cap of only $9.3 million, a buyer of Seafield is getting gold exposure for next to nothing – an incredible one to two dollars an ounce. That’s how BIG money is made in the markets, and that’s why the likes of Scott Paterson have jumped all over this. And why M Partners got on the phone, we believe, to Tony Roodenburg last Wednesday morning.

Friday was a very busy day for Seafield with accumulation up to .195 cents. We have confirmed that there were no insider sales Friday and we certainly didn’t see M Partners selling any shares (and you won’t see them selling until this stock is much, much higher).

With regard to our site, which is still under development of course, we are pleased to say we will launching a major Internet marketing campaign in the coming days which will draw many more eyes to Seafield, Kent Exploration, and other opportunities we will be presenting here in the near future. Check back often – the next couple of weeks are going to be busy here.

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