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October 13, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving To Our Canadian Readers

It’s Thanksgiving in Canada, a very special day to “serve” and to share with friends and family.  In particular, no matter what challenging circumstances we may each face at the moment, it’s a day to reflect on all the blessings we do enjoy in our personal lives and to be grateful for each and every one of them.  Having an “attitude of gratitude” every day of the year, not just at special times such as this, is critical. Many of us may not feel as “rich” as we were even just a couple of months ago, given the turmoil in the markets, but we challenge everyone to think of richness not just in financial terms.

As Canadians, we can also of course be thankful for living in such a magnificent country with the freedoms and blessings that so many people around the world simply do not have.

God has called us to live generous lives and to be a blessing to others.  From all of us at BMR, Happy Thanksgiving!

To our American friends, who celebrate Thanksgiving next month, happy Columbus Day!  This day remembers Christopher Columbus’ arrival to the Americas on October 12, 1492.

Canadian stock markets are closed today.  U.S. stock markets are open (the bond market is closed) though trading volumes will be lighter with the Columbus Day holiday.  Our regular BMR Morning Musings resumes tomorrow but we’ll have a separate post later this morning, covering various market developments with our usual Monday Silver chart updates as well.


1 Comment

  1. Thank you BMR for that solid Thanksgiving message. I consider members
    on this board as my cyber friends & although we have minor difference
    of opinion during a year, i bet most, if not all, would come to the
    aid of others’ if he/she had to & for that, i say thank you.
    Sharing information is a way of being thankful & although some
    may not share some of my opinions, especially anything negative, i
    will always try to be truthful & an example being, recently i
    posted that i had sold DBV. I did not elaborate, because it was
    not my intention to try to sway others & it was not based on what
    i consider as solid information. Let’s just say it was a gut feeling,
    remember i posted that i had the same feeling about RBW , i rest my
    case. I just felt my cash would be better placed elsewhere, that is
    GGI & PRG & there are others. The positive thing about PRG is not
    only do they have a discovery, surrounded by other discoveries, but
    they also have the backing of many writers, who are just waiting to
    tell the story & that is what many companies are lacking. One thing
    is for certain & that is, there’s nothing guaranteed in this type
    of market, but as we move along, i feel certain, we do have a chance
    with GGI, i stated that at 0.16 & i feel the same way today. I have
    done well so far with GGI, buying, selling & buying again. It don’t
    always work out, but this time it did. Enjoy your thanksgiving day &
    to my American friends, i will remember you later this year…

    Comment by Bert — October 13, 2014 @ 7:00 am

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