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April 15, 2017

The Building Of A Magnificent “Castle” Overlooking A Rich Silver-Cobalt Camp!

The stock we’re about to tell you about is up more than 250% already this year, so why are astute investors eagerly continuing to accumulate in the mid-to-upper-20’s?

The simple answer is this:

When you a have a 25-cent junior exploration stock that has just raised a million dollars, is on a clear path to initial extraction of high-grade material from 2 prolific past producing Silver-Cobalt mines, and has a technology angle to it that makes it the leader of an entire Camp and also gives it inroads into the exciting battery market, this is a play worth paying attention to…

Especially when there are only 35 million shares outstanding!

There’s even an important Gold story here, too.

Let us further explain what this unique stock is all about because the opportunity at current levels is truly staggering, and the company is due to start moving into news flows mode imminently.

The northern Ontario Silver-Cobalt Camp, historically one of the richest Silver and Cobalt districts in the world and still very much under-explored, has seen an explosion in activity in recent months due to multi-year highs in Cobalt prices, not to mention an improving Silver market.

The company in the region that we’re so interested in, that quietly prepared itself over the last 7 years to reap the rewards of new bull cycles in Cobalt and Silver, is Castle Silver Resources (CSR, TSX-V).

We’ve completed 2 site visits to this district and we’re about to make a 3rd, developing close connections with key locals in the process.  We have great confidence, therefore, in what we’re about to tell you.

CSR Is The Unique “Go-To” Play In This District

What do you imagine is going to happen when the masses wake up one morning very soon and discover what we already have that CSR is now the “Go-To” play in this district that features more than a dozen juniors, some with market caps substantially higher than CSR’s? 

The “icing on the cake” is a technology angle, a perfect fit for this district and the broader markets, that’s going to make this story magical (see below)!

Suffice to say, that’s why we heard that some well-known, high-powered Howe Street entrepreneurs were key players in CSR’s 15-cent hard dollar financing in March.  They are the types who don’t play for mere pennies.  They know this business.  They’re in for a HOME RUN, and we predict that CSR will deliver by knocking the ball out of the park.

As evidenced by DRA Global’s recent visit to CSR’s Castle Property in Gowganda, forces are at work with BIG plans for CSR – plans that ultimately could drive the valuation from a miniscule $10 million to many tens of millions.  That wouldn’t be a first for President and CEO Frank Basa.  His Gold Bullion Development ran well beyond $100 million in capitalization during 2010 when it was a Howe Street favorite and one of the Top Ten plays that year on the Venture thanks to a significant Gold discovery that’s about to be proven up as a multi-million ounce resource.

Innovation, diversification, spectacular grades and full access to its properties for work at surface and underground are all major factors in CSR’s favor.

Twelve key points to consider, followed by the “icing on the cake”: 

  • CSR has the best share structure in district – just 35 million outstanding
  • Deepest roots in district – $4 million invested to advance Castle and Beaver since 2011 gives CSR a “head start” over the others
  • Advanced exploration permit at Castle – access to main adit thanks to a closure plan accepted by Ontario government
  • First Nations agreements in place at Castle – critical for exploration and resource development
  • Beaver is on patented claims – no drill permit even necessary!
  • Prolific past producers – at least 20 million ounces of exceptionally high-grade Silver mined at Castle and Beaver up to 1990
  • Castle and Beaver were 2 of the few last producing mines in region when plummeting Silver prices shut everything down around 1990
  • Agnico Eagle’s focus was on extracting high-grade Silver, not the abundant Cobalt that’s present at both Castle and Beaver
  • Multiple opportunities for discovery of new high-grade structures (Silver and Cobalt) at Castle and Beaver
  • Castle also features Gold and base metal potential – separate Gold structure on property
  • 4 million ounce Gold deposit currently being expanded by Tahoe Resources 10 miles west of Castle
  • All-star team of geological, metallurgical and mining experts (Basa, Doug Robinson, Claude Duplessis, Jacques Monette and others who have decades of experience in this district)

Quite simply, no company in the Gowganda-Cobalt-Silver Center Camp offers more value to investors right now than CSR

CSR’s 2 high-impact exploration plays and small-scale production potential are enough to drive this stock to $1 per share or higher by the summer, especially in red-hot Silver and Cobalt markets which is what we’re anticipating for the balance of 2017.

The company hasn’t even started playing “show and tell” yet with investors – wait until the masses start seeing samples like the one below that we collected from the waste pile at the Beaver (cut and polished).

Pictured above is native “dendritic” (fern-like) Silver, believed to exceed 1,000 ounces per tonne!  Keep in mind, the Beaver produced at an amazing average grade of 171 ounces per tonne intermittently over a period of several decades (7 million ounces) from the deepest shaft in the district.  Is it mined out?  Not a chance in our view.  Upcoming surface work at the property will provide valuable news flow and some Silver and Cobalt numbers that are sure to drive the curiosity and excitement of investors.  The Beaver and the adjoining Temiskaming share a colorful, prolific history.

Castle Main Adit Is Like A Honey Hive!

Agnico Eagle didn’t shut things down at Castle (or Beaver) in 1990 because of ore depletion – Silver prices plummeted and the company was also facing union problems, so it ceased operations throughout the entire Camp.  The main adit at the Castle Property features a massive network of tunnels, opening up huge possibilities for targeted exploration and potential extraction.  Underground access in this district is critical, and CSR has it.  Remember, too, that CSR has already demonstrated the existence of high-grade Silver outside the mined resource when a discovery hole in 2011 returned a whopping 188.8 oz/ton over 3 m at depth (great time to follow up on that!).

Agnico Eagle left behind plenty of Silver and Cobalt at Castle.  Below is a picture from just a short distance inside the adit that shows part of a high-grade Cobalt vein (“Cobalt Bloom”).

Now, as promised, the “icing on the cake”!

Technology Angle Gives CSR Immense “Blue Sky”  

CSR has even greater multi-bagger potential from current levels as we’ve learned from our research that includes hard to find publicly available sources that the company has a process (reaction oxidation) that it’s about to roll out to the market.

The origins of this came from a fascinating, highly successful $6 million research program involving Basa, using ore from the Castle mine when Agnico Eagle was still producing in the late 1980’s.  The timing of the collapse in metal prices was unfortunate, just as testing was producing amazing results.

A reaction oxidation process returned exceptionally high recoveries (>99%) of Silver, Cobalt, Copper and Nickel (source: Metallurgical Society of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy).  Incredible recoveries, and note the Copper and Nickel, too, from Castle!

Basa, who’s truly a metallurgical genius, has the formula to solve a long-standing metallurgical problem in the district given the characteristics of the ore.  Over 600 million ounces of Silver and 50 million pounds of Cobalt were officially produced last century in the Gowganda-Cobalt-Silver Center region, but in many cases Cobalt was either an unpaid or under-paid by-product (same with other metals).  In general, there was minimal focus on Cobalt or on high-grade Cobalt areas which were typically left behind or used as a tracer to track Silver. 

Significantly, the above process leaches all metals (including Gold) into one solution, and can also be used for recycling cathode materials from spent electric vehicle Lithium-ion batteries (lucrative potential market for CSR – American Manganese soared to $50 million+ on a process it has).    

We can’t emphasize enough how huge this could be for CSR.  Two fairly recent news releases from the company – November 29, 2016, and January 31, 2017, provided investors with some clues regarding this.  Now, thanks to our exhaustive research that included a trip in February to the district, we can say with an exceptionally high degree of confidence that CSR’s “metallurgical evaluation of Cobalt and Silver recovery” (Nov. 29, 2016, NR) is indeed a game-changer backed up by decades of district experience that puts this company at the forefront of innovation among all the juniors active in this region. 

And speaking of innovation, what might the consequences be for CSR if a highly respected global engineering firm like DRA Global recommends a state-of-the-art 1,200 tonne per day mineral processing facility at Castle to serve the Granada Gold mine and presumably the needs of the Gowganda-Cobalt-Silver Center Camp (GGM March 28, 2017, NR)?


To quickly summarize, the “pros” who got in on CSR’s 15-cent financing don’t play for pennies – they are looking for a return of 10 x or more on their investment, and what we’ve outlined in this report puts this stock on that path.

  • A focused, high-impact exploration story (Silver, Cobalt and even Gold and base metals at Castle) featuring 2 prolific past producers
  • Near-term small-scale production potential (2 of the last few producing mines in region)
  • Innovation leader in district with game-changing recovery solutions that may have much broader applications

Now you know why this stock, still below 30 cents, has us so excited!  We’re also hearing that the CSR story will soon be broadening out to European and Asian investors.

No news from CSR since its nearly $1 million financing but we look forward to an update any day now as well as an impactful BMR return visit to both the Castle and the Beaver!

Note:  John, Jon and Daniel hold share positions in CSR.


  1. Awesome summary guys!
    Good job!

    Comment by Greg — April 15, 2017 @ 8:34 am

  2. Do you have any insight on the Tahoe gold angle 10 miles away in light of the 50/50 gold corridor trenching nearby aldershots drilling?

    Comment by donald — April 15, 2017 @ 11:52 am

  3. Alleluia! Happy Easter for each and everyone !

    Comment by Sylvain — April 16, 2017 @ 8:02 am

  4. Thx Jon.. encouraging indeed…

    Comment by Jeremy — April 16, 2017 @ 12:53 pm

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