BullMarketRun   BullMarketRun.ca

A Daily, Vibrant Voice Focused on Speculative Opportunities,
Commodities, and Economic & Political Trends Impacting
The Resource Sector & Equity Markets

"Market-Trouncing Returns Through Unbeatable
Technical & Fundamental Analysis of Niche Sectors"

August 15, 2010

BMR Performance – Up 129%

At BMR we are focused on the junior resource market (specifically the CDNX) as well as identifying a small number of unique, undiscovered companies within that sphere that have tremendous potential (“home run” opportunities as we say).  We learn as much about those companies as possible and we follow them closely.  In a way this sort of mirrors Jim’s Slater’s investment philosophy about getting to know an awful lot about very little.  Our niche is monitoring the CDNX, a highly speculative and extremely interesting market, and putting forward some situations for your consideration that are worthy of further investigation and due diligence.  We don’t give price targets and none of our suggestions should be construed as a “buy” or “sell” recommendation – you must do your own due diligence and you should also consult with a professional investment advisor prior to making any investment decision.  We accept no compensation in return for coverage of any company at BMR, so we write what we choose to write.    We also of course follow Gold very closely which has important ramifications for the CDNX.

From time to time it’s useful to stand back and examine our performance – are the companies we have selected doing well?  Are we helping investors better understand the CDNX and the direction it may be headed?  Are we effectively analyzing the Gold market?  Of course we always appreciate hearing from our valued readers, whether it’s positive feedback or fair criticism, so by all means feel free to email us at:  [email protected].

In terms of the “BMR Portfolio” – these are stocks we have researched very thoroughly and have a high degree of confidence in.  We’ve never had more than 8 stocks in this group and now we are eliminating 2 of them for under-performance and to make room for new selections in the future.

Through Friday, August 13, the 8-stock BMR Portfolio was up an average of 129%. Most of these stocks were introduced late last year or early this year.  Six of the 8 stocks have registered gains since they were first introduced, a winning percentage of 75%.  Below, in order of performance, is the individual breakdown:

Up 671%     Gold Bullion Development (GBB, TSX-V)

Up 210%     Sidon International (SD, TSX)

Up 167%     Seafield Resources (SFF, TSX-V)

Up   29%     Richfield Ventures (RVC, TSX-V)

Up    11%    North Arrow Minerals (NAR, TSX-V)

Up      9%     Colombian Mines (CMJ, TSX-V)

Down 31%          Kent Exploration (KEX, TSX-V)

Down 34%         Greencastle Resources (VGN, TSX-V)

The above gains (for 6) and losses (for 2) are based on the closing price of each stock August 13.  Some of the gains were much higher for some of these stocks earlier in the year.  Colombian Mines, for example, got as high as $1.62 for a gain of 170%; Richfield Ventures touched $2.25 for a gain of 88%; Seafield climbed as high as 35.5 cents for a gain of 492%; Kent Exploration, which is currently down 31%, was up as much as 53% at one point.

We are taking out the two worst performers in the BMR PortfolioKent Exploration and Greencastle Resources.  We believe both still have good potential, especially Greencastle which is trading at cash value and generating monthly revenue that exceeds expenses.  We will comment on both of these situations in more detail in the near future as there is something to be learned from their under-performance.  We’re not always perfect and we made mistakes with both of these – the key with investing, and with life in general, is to admit your mistakes and learn from them.

We hope you appreciate what BMR has to offer, and again we would enjoy hearing from you at:  [email protected].

God Bless and we wish you the best of luck with your investments!


  1. Thanks again.
    How about Skyline gold corp ?

    Comment by Lalonde — August 15, 2010 @ 5:32 pm

  2. Appreciate all the direction and information. With regards to the Jim Slater interview is Spanish Mtn. under review at this time?

    Comment by andrea — August 15, 2010 @ 6:19 pm

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