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April 22, 2016

BMR Morning Market Musings…

Gold has traded between $1,240, just above its rising 50-day moving average (SMA), and $1,252 so far today…as of 8:30 am Pacific, bullion is down $6 an ounce at $1,242…Silver has jumped 18 cents to $17.15…Copper has added a nickel to $2.29…Crude Oil is headed for its 3rd straight weekly gain, despite the failure of last weekend’s producer talks, as WTI is $1.09 higher at $44.27…the U.S. Dollar Index, meanwhile, has rallied one-third of a point to 94.97

Interesting – is Gold demand actually shifting a little from Eastern nations back to Western ones?…that’s the view of Commerzbank…their analysts cite customs data showing Switzerland exported 118 tonnes of Gold in March, more than in February but less than March 2015. “Exports to Asia were further down on even the previous month’s weak figure, which points to subdued demand there,” Commerzbank noted. “The lowest volume in 15 months was shipped to India, for example, while exports to China and Hong Kong combined dropped to an 8-month low. By contrast, Gold exports to Great Britain increased to 44.2 tonnes, their highest level since September 2012. This was doubtless due to ETF demand, which was still high up to that point…Gold demand has clearly shifted somewhat from East to West again, in other words.”

This week, however, featured the launch of a yuan-denominated Gold benchmark on the Shanghai Gold Exchange which facilitates the biggest trade in bullion in the world in terms of the physical commodity…this was a carefully planned and ambitious step by China to exert more control over the pricing of the metal and boost its influence in the global bullion market…it also represents an acceleration of a de-dollarization move by China and other countries…the broader trend of strong Asian accumulation of bullion continues…

Silver, often referred to as “poor man’s Gold“, could rise to $20 an ounce in the foreseeable future if the Gold/Silver ratio continues to fall to historical levels, Deutsche Bank noted today…the metal often outperforms Gold to both the upside and downside, and has been rallying strongly lately in what many have described as a catch-up move to Gold’s early-year gains…Silver is now up some 25% year to date, versus 18% for Gold, the bank points out. “We think momentum could carry Silver as high as $20/oz in the near-term.  However, in order to see a continued re-rating of Silver versus Gold, we need to see a number of financial conditions either continue or for momentum to continue,” the bank added…

We’ll have updated Silver charts in Monday’s Morning Musings

Paris Climate Agreement Scheme Gets Signed Today At UN In New York

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will formally sign the Paris climate agreement today at a ceremony in New York…he’ll bring much enthusiasm for the agreement’s objectives but of course few specifics about how he’ll meet them, though Canadians can be certain about this: the climate agreement scam is going to suck money out of their wallets, and at least a few billion of that is going to be sent to other countries in what amounts to a wealth transfer…today’s signing by representatives from more than 160 countries is intended as a show of political will…the United Nations, and we all know what a corrupt and useless organization that is, says today’s event will set a record for the most countries signing an international agreement in 1 day (so it must be good!)…

Canada’s budget watchdog weighed in on the whole matter yesterday after doing some number-crunching…the agreement can only be achieved, it said, with a substantial hit to incomes

Assistant Parliamentary Budget Officer Mostafa Askari told CTV’s Power Play that their study, released yesterday, found that the level of carbon pricing required to meet the emissions reduction target Canada agreed to in Paris last fall – 30% below 2005 levels by 2030 – would reduce GDP by 1% to 3% per cent per year…Askari said the goal is ambitious, but can be achieved through a combination of measures such as taxes, tougher regulations, environmental subsidies, cap-and-trade, and a gasoline tax hike of about 24 cents per litre…this would all would translate to an average hit to annual incomes of $600 to $1,800 per person, the PBO calculated…this is what Trudeau has committed our country to, just so you know…

“That doesn’t mean peoples’ incomes (are) going to go down,” Askari said. “It just means it will be lower than it would have been without these taxes.”

In other words, the end result is that we’re all going to be left with less money in our pockets for the sake of what?…”saving the planet”?…this particular climate change agreement is nothing more than a giant social engineering scheme…

Profit From The “Climate Change Dividend”

Despite the fact, thanks to Trudeau, that each Canadian’s potential contribution to his/her Tax-Free Savings account has been trimmed by about $5,000 per year (think about the cost of that over the next 4 years – a massive tax grab!), we do have a way for each of our subscribers to benefit enormously from the world’s recent trend of warmer winters and the significant melting of ice and snow in our mountains and glaciers…what the climate change fanatics lament about – glacial retreat – is something that we’re going to profit from in ways that could absolutely dwarf the $600 to $1,800 hit each of us could suffer annually due to this scheme being hailed today in New York…

In the coming days and weeks, through interviews and careful research, we’re going to show you how new discoveries are about to be made – thanks to “climate change” – in a special part of British Columbia surrounded by glaciers…this information could literally make you a fortune…if you’re not already a BMR subscriber, make sure you are by this weekend…

In today’s Morning Musings…

1. Cannabix Technologies (BLO, TSX-V) races to a new 52-week high…

2. CRB chart indicates more strength to come in commodities…

3. What’s next for Gold after this week’s volatility?…

Plus more…to view the rest of today’s Morning Musings, login with your username and password, or click here to take advantage of our Spring Sizzler Subscription Special in effect for a limited time only…

SAVE 25% with a risk-free subscription as you gain full access to this and other exclusive BMR content and features, including our new Top Opportunities List May 1!…


  1. I have I missed CXO or is there still room for profit?

    Comment by DavidW — April 22, 2016 @ 9:50 am

  2. DavidW, our Sunday Sizzler Report will let subscribers know exactly what we see unfolding in the “core” part of the Golden Triangle over the next several months, and what that means for CXO and others in the area. Just completed our interview with Adam Travis.

    Comment by Jon - BMR — April 22, 2016 @ 1:25 pm

  3. CXO
    Looking forward to the interview with the CEO
    Will we get to hear any of it this weekend? The Stock price held up very well today considering what gold did…

    Comment by Greg — April 22, 2016 @ 3:54 pm

  4. Jon
    It is just amazing to me how Trudeau and Obama can just ignore what is really important to both of our countries as they focus on this climate change stuff Obama doesn’t care cause he knows his reign is soon over but Trudeau? How long is his reign for in Canada?

    Comment by Greg — April 22, 2016 @ 4:06 pm

  5. Compilation of Historical Drill Results for Colorado Property = CXO

    Long read but worth the $$$ you will make on this play!!

    Golden Triangle BC CHECK OUT THE PAST DRILL RESULTS UNREAL STUFF 1987-09-16 03:00 ET – News Release Mr R E Davis reports: Gulf International Minerals Ltd The company reports that exploration on the 100% owned McLymont claim group in the Skyline area of northwestern British Columbia is returning very encouraging results. A drilling contract has been let to Falcon Drilling Ltd of Prince George and is now in progress. To date, assays from one hole have been received which returned 9 feet of 1.28 gold and 4 feet of .28 gold. The location and footage on this hole as well as assays and footage on the other drilling will be released as soon as they are received. ________________________________________________________________ 1987-10-27 03:00 ET – News Release Mr R.E. Davis reports: The drilling program on the company’s 100% owned McLymont claim group in the Skyline, Iskut River area of north west BC is still in progress. Assaying has been very slow due to the large amount of samples in the assay labs. We are running 6-10 holes behind. Recent results which have been returned are: hole No. 25, 13 feet of .820 oz gold/ton; hole No. 29, 6.6 feet of 7.72 oz gold/ton and 5 feet of 1.28 oz gold/ton. ________________________________________________________________ Five holes completed at McLymont claim group; VSE approves $1.1m private placement 1988-08-04 15:09 ET – News Release Mr R.E. Davis reports: Drilling of five holes has been completed on the Camp zone extension, McLymont claim group. Assays on one hole have returned. Hole 88-1, from 48 to 55 feet (7 feet) returned .749 oz/ton gold. Assays are pending on the additional four holes. ________________________________________________________________ Assay results from McLymont claim group, Iskut River 1988-10-04 17:17 ET – News Release Mr R.E. Davis reports: The latest drill results on the companies 100% owned McLymont claim group in the Iskut River area of NW British Columbia. Ag Au Hole From To Feet Cu% oz/t oz/t —- —- — —- — —- —- 32 301.8-305.1 3.3 .01 .03 .186 312.3-315.6 3.3 .21 .14 1.420 378.0-381.2 3.2 1.28 .10 .207 381.2-384.5 3.3 .46 .07 .303 378.0-384.5 6.5 .87 .08 .255 33 388.8-390.4 1.6 .85 .27 1.060 450.8-454.7 3.9 2.31 1.58 .221 454.7-457.7 3.0 2.84 2.02 .238 450.8-457.7 6.9 2.54 1.77 .228 Assay results from the last holes drilled DDH-88-34 to 37 are yet to be reported. —————————————————————- Assay results from McLymont Creek, BC 1988-10-21 14:50 ET – News Release Mr R.E. Davis reports: Exploration on the 100% owned McLymont Creek claims in the Iskut River gold belt was successfully completed October 20 1988. Surface core drilling on the high grade Northwest zone which was completed September 25 1988, was followed by detailed geological mapping and geochemical soil sampling on other target areas. Drill core assay results have now been returned from the last holes. Assay results include the following: HOLE FROM TO INTERVAL CU% AG AU (FEET) (FEET) OZ/T OZ/T 24 218.8-222.8 4.0 .90 0.49 0.383 34 113.2-116.5 3.3 .11 0.04 0.105 164.7-167.3 2.6 .21 0.07 0.122 35 66.1- 77.1 10.5 .49 1.26 0.250 128.9-135.8 6.9 .58 1.80 3.551 192.9-196.2 3.3 .15 0.44 0.156 36 127.9-131.2 3.3 .13 4.92 0.018 457.0-469.5 12.5 .29 0.07 0.146 537.7-547.6 9.9 .08 0.02 0.133 Preliminary analysis of the drill results suggests the occurrence of a number of sub-parallel, steep northeasterly trending gold bearing mineral zones. Drilling has now partly outlined these zones over a length of about 1000 feet, a width of about 250 feet, to a depth of about 500 feet below the surface. Detailed analysis of this season’s results is now in progress in order to schedule the 1989 exploration program. —————————————————————- Assay results from first 11 McLymont property holes 1989-08-15 20:22 ET – News Release Mr Gerald Carlson reports: The company has received the results of the first 11 diamond drill holes completed on the Northwest zone of the McLymont property, Iskut River area, northwestern BC. HOLE FROM TO LENGTH CU% AG AU (FT) (FT) OZ/T OZ/T 1 255.1-262.0 6.9 2.32 0.86 1.50 2 99.6-100.5 0.9 0.26 10.48 3.42 223.4-225.9 2.5 3.75 0.81 1.94 3 304.0-314.0 10.0 0.30 0.13 0.44 5 42.0- 47.8 5.8 0.24 0.41 0.72 6 89.5- 97.0 7.5 0.48 0.17 0.42 9 64.5-146.5 82.0 0.30 0.41 0.12 incl 84.3-106.5 22.2 0.73 0.04 0.23 and 121.9-134.0 12.2 0.34 1.42 0.16 11 129.0-136.0 7.0 0.68 0.30 0.25 217.9-239.0 21.1 0.47 1.74 0.77 Drilling of the shallow dipping zone is proceeding on 60 to 80 ft centers. The originally planned 10,000 ft program has been increased to 13,500 ft. The extra footage will in part test a number of newly defined conductors which represent possible extensions of the zone. —————————————————————- Assay results from Northwest zone, McLymont Creek property, BC 1989-08-29 19:28 ET – News Release Mr Gerald Carlson reports: The company has received assay results from the 1989 core drilling program from the Northwest mineral zone on the 100% owned McLymont Creek property, Iskut River gold belt, northwestern BC. Phase I of the 1989 drilling and surface exploration program was designed to test this new discovery to greater depths and to locate new gold bearing mineralization. Interpretation of this detailed drilling has now shown the mineralization to consist of several closely spaced, gentle to steeply dipping zones with a minimum strike length of 900 feet, extending from surface to depths of 600 feet. The zones are semi-conformable with bedding and appear to coalesce along a central, northeast trending structure. This central axis has produced the wider intersections, such as 149.3 feet grading 0.207 oz/ton Au (including 15.1 feet of 0.81 oz/ton Au and 16.1 feet of 0.645 oz/ton Au) in hole 88-28 at -87 degrees. The zones are open along strike and at depth. Significant results from holes 1 to 24 are as follows: HOLE FROM TO LENGTH CU AG AU (FEET) (FEET) % OZ/T OZ/T 1 255.1-252.0 6.9 2.32 0.86 1.50 2 99.6-100.5 0.9 0.26 10.48 3.42 223.4-225.9 2.5 3.75 0.81 1.94 3 304.0-314.0 10.0 0.30 0.13 0.44 5 42.0- 47.8 5.8 0.24 0.41 0.72 6 89.5- 97.0 7.5 0.48 0.17 0.42 9 64.5-146.5 82.0 0.30 0.41 0.12 Incl 84.3-106.5 22.2 0.73 0.04 0.23 11 129.0-136.0 7.0 0.68 0.30 0.25 217.9-239.0 21.1 0.47 1.74 0.77 16 210.5-222.0 11.5 0.98 0.54 0.349 17 124.0-126.8 2.8 0.05 0.33 0.700 147.0-157.0 10.0 0.27 0.08 0.290 18 87.5- 96.4 8.9 0.42 0.76 0.470 19 219.0-223.0 4.0 0.96 2.11 0.954 20 126.0-128.7 2.7 2.12 0.52 0.785 21 26.3- 27.8 1.5 0.01 0.07 0.257 22 16.0- 25.0 9.0 0.32 0.32 0.549 204.3-208.1 3.8 0.48 0.36 0.225 23 39.0- 46.3 7.3 0.45 0.36 0.247 53.1- 59.0 5.9 0.49 0.37 0.309 72.1- 90.0 17.9 0.20 0.28 0.401 24 59.3- 73.6 4.3 0.62 0.32 0.230 195.0-196.0 1.0 1.27 0.31 0.427 Results on holes 89-25 to 89-38 are pending. In addition to the main zone several strong nearby geophysical anomalies have been outlined and await detailed drilling. Surface mapping has also disclosed new vein and disseminated porphyry-like mineralization in the same area which also remains to be tested. In light of these encouraging results, the phase II program, budgeted at a minimum of $400,000, will be underway shortly. This phase will provide additional drilling on the main Northwest zone as well as comprehensive drill tests of other targets in the immediate vicinity. Construction of an airstrip on the property is being considered to improve accessibility. The company’s intention is to follow with a phase III program of underground exploration which would carry on through the winter. 1989-08-31 16:51 GIM Gulf International Minerals Ltd 2.60 News————————————————————– Release Murray Pezim joins board; 2.5m SMF offering proposed —————————————————————- Drilling results from McLymont Creek 1989-09-12 17:09 ET – News Release Mr Gerald Carlson reports The 1989 phase II program at McLymont Creek, northwestern BC is now underway. The program will consist of a minimum of 10,000 ft of surface diamond drilling. This drilling will focus on expanding the reserve potential of the Northwest zone and testing a number of adjacent geophysical targets. The company’s consultant has submitted a report recommending a $2 million underground examination of the Northwest zone. Preliminary preparations for this program are now underway. Significant new results from phase I drill holes 89-25 to 89-36 are as follows: HOLE FROM TO LENGTH CU% AG AU (FEET) (FEET) OZ/T OZ/T 25 28.8-120.6 91.8 0.48 1.23 0.102 223.3-240.0 16.7 0.37 0.86 0.486 26 53.0- 71.1 18.1 0.34 0.91 0.198 Incl 4.3 0.37 0.90 0.584 28 87.9- 93.8 5.9 0.33 0.21 0.422 174.8-177.7 2.9 3.60 0.18 0.447 29 25.9- 61.0 35.1 0.23 0.44 0.267 Incl 6.3 0.45 1.09 0.970 Results to date indicate the potential for the definition of a number of discrete oreshoots. The proposed underground program will be designed to examine in detail their continuity, grade, width and mineability. —————————————————————- 1990-07-04 18:49 GIM Gulf International Minerals Ltd 1.23 News Release Avondale to earn 50% interest in Gulf’s Inel property Murray Pezim Company —————————————————————- 1990-07-18 13:54 GIM Gulf International Minerals Ltd 1.60 News Release Mineralization intersected in two McLymont holes 1990-07-18 13:35 GIM Gulf International Minerals Ltd 1.60 Street Wire Intersections with visible gold rumoured —————————————————————- McLymont Creek assays 1990-07-23 11:13 ET – News Release Mr R.E. Davis reports The company announces the first surface diamond drill assays on its 100% owned McLymont Creek property in the Iskut gold camp. The main mineralized section for DDH 90-1 assayed as follows: FROM TO LENGTH GOLD oz/t 195.0 252.0 57.0 0.346 including: 195.0 218.0 23.0 0.638 207.5 218.0 10.5 1.131 Additional mineralization includes 4 feet from 287.0 to 291.0 at 0.469 oz/ton gold. The main mineralization for DDH 90-2 assayed as follows: FROM TO LENGTH GOLD oz/t 164.5 167.0 2.5 1.167 192.5 196.5 4.0 0.770 252.0 268.0 16.0 0.638 260.0 268.0 8.0 1.030 Further sampling on the mineralized zone of both drill holes is being carried out and will be reported when assays are available. Drilling is continuing. —————————————————————- More drilling results from Inel property 1990-08-08 16:01 ET – News Release Mr R.G. Gifford reports The company has received additional results from its 100% owned Inel property. Both properties are located in the Iskut gold camp, northwestern BC. At the McLymont property, holes No. 3 through 8 explored a fault offset to the south of the main zone. Hole No. 5 of this series was successful and includes 3 feet from 289 to 292 at 0.940 oz/ton Au. The remaining holes confirmed the presence of the offset zone. Drilling has resumed testing on the main mineralized zone in an area to the north. At the Inel property road access to the adit site has been completed. The adit to explore the AK zone has been collared and underground mining is now under way. Work in this program will include at least 1700 ft of drifting and 10,000 feet underground drilling. —————————————————————- Work progressing on McLymont project 1990-08-23 20:01 ET – News Release Also News Release (C-AVD) Avondale Resources Inc Avondale Resources Inc (AVD) Dr Gerald Carlson reports Work is progressing well on the company’s McLymont project in the Iskut gold camp, northwestern, BC. Nineteen drill holes for a total of 8550 ft have been completed on this 100% Gulf owned property. All have hit the targeted mineralized structures. This is part of a 12,000 ft phase I program which has two objectives. The first, involving infill drilling on the Northwest zone, was designed to test new deposit modelling and to better define the limits of mineralization. This program, which has been focused in the central part of the deposit, has been successful in confirming new geological concepts, namely that the richer grades and thicker widths occur as replacement lenses within an elongate shear zone. This zone has been defined over 1000 ft and is open to the north and at depth. Within this shear, two main lenses, an upper gold-rich zone and a lower gold-copper horizon have been defined, as well as several subsidiary lenses. Several of this year’s drill holes have encountered visible gold. The significant assays from results received to date include: HOLE FOOTAGE WIDTH(FT) OZ/TON AU 90-1* 195.0-252.0 57.0 0.35 Inc 195.0-218.0 23.0 0.64 and 207.0-219.0 10.5 1.13 287.0-291.0 4.0 0.47 90-2* 164.5-167.0 2.5 1.17 192.5-196.5 4.0 0.77 252.0-268.0 16.0 0.64 Inc 260.0-268.0 8.0 1.03 90-5 289.0-304.0 15.0 0.24 Inc 289.0-292.0 3.0 0.94 90-6 319.5-326.3 6.8 0.14 90-7 309.0-314.0 5.0 0.24 90-9 182.0-196.0 14.0 0.12 307.0-312.0 5.0 0.21 90-10* 213.0-217.0 4.0 0.17 229.0-233.0 4.0 0.11 90-12 41.0- 48.5 7.5 0.19 195.0-199.5 4.5 0.11 90-13 222.9-227.0 4.1 0.14 90-14 57.0- 58.8 1.8 0.66 90-15 508.4-515.7 7.3 0.12 90-16* 255.0-277.5 22.5 0.25 Inc 273.0-277.5 4.5 0.51 309.0-311.7 2.7 0.38 323.0-325.3 2.3 0.29 343.4-346.5 3.1 0.45 368.5-370.5 2.0 0.25 * Visible gold Trenching has exposed the main mineralized zone at the southern end of the property. Preliminary sample results include 0.27 oz/ton Au over 6.2 ft, 0.77 oz/ton Au over 6.2 ft (these two samples are contiguous for an average of 0.52 oz/ton Au over 12.4 ft), and 1.10 oz/ton Au from a grab sample. Additional drill testing is planned for this portion of the deposit, in the vicinity of hole 88-35 which intersected 6.9 ft grading 3.55 oz/ton Au. The trench information and adjacent drilling suggests that the southern portion of the deposit would be amenable to open pit mining. The second objective of the program is to drill test new targets. These, in order of priority are: Northwest zone, north extension – the deposit is open to the north and the northernmost drill holes, some with visible gold, suggest a high grade lens is being approached. Down-dip extensions – targets will be tested beneath the existing deposit and within the adjacent McLymont fault. Geophysical targets – magnetometer and EM profiles have designed targets in a geological environment very similar to the Northwest zone in the central part of the property. —————————————————————- Initial Inel assays received 1990-08-27 18:00 ET – News Release Also News Release (C-AVD) Avondale Resources Inc Avondale Resources Inc (VD) Mr G.G. Carlson reports The company announces initial assay results from underground workings on the Inel property. Sampling just inside the portal encountered on a mineralized zone which is believed to be a strike extension of the 98 zone, discovered in 1989 with a drill intercept of 1.6 feet grading 94.279 oz/ton gold. Panel sample assay results from the Portal zone include: FROM TO WIDTH GOLD SILVER ZINC ft ft ft oz/t oz/t % Right rib 9.8 19.7 9.9 0.34 0.06 0.88 including: 3.3 0.94 0.06 0.90 Left rib 9.8 23.0 12.2 0.07 0.54 1.73 including: 3.3 0.23 0.45 0.41 A summary of 98 zone diamond drill highlights from 1989 includes: HOLE WIDTH GOLD ft oz/t 119 15.1 0.48 130 1.6 94.28 162 6.9 0.32 163 4.9 0.56 Meanwhile, the drift continues towards the target AK zone ahead of schedule, with close to 300 feet of underground development completed. Underground drilling is scheduled to commence on September 5 1990. Some of the better intercepts from 1989 AK zone drilling include: HOLE WIDTH GOLD ft oz/t 116 24.0 0.63 148 13.0 1.51 149 20.0 0.42 A total of 1,500 feet of undergound drifting to provide stations for 12,000 feet of diamond drilling is planned. The deposit is open along strike and at depth. Avondale Resources is funding this program in the first year of their option, whereby they can earn a 50% interest in the Inel property by spending $10 million in exploration and paying $150,000 in cash and 500,000 shares over four years. —————————————————————- Gulf and Avondale report underground Inel results 1990-10-22 12:00 ET – News Release Mr Reg Davis reports Gulf International announces the assay results from its underground drilling program on the Inel property in the Iskut gold camp, north-western BC. A total of 17 holes have been drilled to date and have been directed to delineating a gold-enriched intrusive breccia. Tracing better values for the full width of the breccia along strike to the south-east U-171 obtained 1.197 oz/t gold across 24.3 feet, U-174 at 110 feet along strike gave 0.115 oz/t gold across 49.4 feet, and U-185 a further 90 feet along strike gave 0.379 oz/t gold across 42.4 feet. Within U-185, values of 1.964 oz/t gold across 4.0 feet and 1.025 oz/t gold across 4.0 feet were obtained. New results of particular interest are: HOLE FROM – TO WIDTH GOLD ft ft oz/ton U-175 214.0-234.0 20.0 0.117 282.0-294.0 12.0 0.099 U-178 66.0- 71.0 5.0 0.108 U-180 186.0-241.0 55.0 0.077 incl: 202.0-222.0 20.0 0.113 U-182 80.0- 91.0 11.0 0.413 U-185 264.0-294.1 30.1 0.531 incl: 264.0-276.0 12.0 0.812 and 288.0-294.1 6.1 0.961 404.5-422.0 17.5 0.279 incl: 417.0-422.0 5.0 0.763 The drilling program continues to explore the strike extent of the target breccia to the south-east and further assay results are pending. Underground development on the AK zone has been completed for the season with the completion of 650 feet of drifting to the south; this brings development work to a total of 1,230 feet for 1990. Avondale Resources is funding this program in the first year of their option, whereby they can earn a 50% interest in the Inel property by spending $10 million in exploration and paying $150,000 in cash and 500,000 shares over four years. —————————————————————- After this the property went dead but Murray Pezim did try and scoop it from Gulf in Feb 1991 —————————————————————- 1991-02-28 09:22 GIM Gulf International Minerals Ltd 0.53 News Release Negotiations with Prime for Iskut River projects —————————————————————- CXO – Colorado Resources Ltd. – Company Website http://coloradoresources.com/ CXO is the largest land holder in the Golden Triangle in BC

    Comment by RustyChambers — April 22, 2016 @ 4:11 pm

  6. Does anybody here follow ASG (Aurora Spine Corporation), has developed an implant to make back surgeries far less intrusive, has installed these on 1,000 patients so far. Looks very interesting, has started to move.

    Comment by Danny — April 22, 2016 @ 6:26 pm

  7. New Presentation for CXO
    Awesome maps showing anomalies and targets – historic results


    Comment by RustyChambers — April 23, 2016 @ 12:09 pm

  8. Thanks, Rusty. I had a fascinating interview with Adam Travis yesterday that lasted nearly 90 minutes. First excerpts starting within the next couple of days, by Monday/Tuesday. This series will be a great way for investors to get some tremendous insight into not just the KSP Property, and the impressive high-grade targets at Inel that are about to be drilled, but the area in general and how investors can profit handsomely over the next several months from the exploration/drilling and likely new discoveries.

    Comment by Jon - BMR — April 23, 2016 @ 12:47 pm

  9. Eric Coffin also likes CXO:

    Drill Play Speculation #1 Colorado Resources Ltd. (CXO-V; CLASF-Qbb) Shares O/S: 61 Million Cash: $2 Million

    I chose a three year chart for CXO (and several other companies in this report) to help keep some perspective. The stock has had a good percentage move recently off a very low base but still trades at a small fraction of the levels it reached in 2014 after making the North ROK copper porphyry discovery. North ROK is still alive and well (if a little small) but it‟s Colorado‟s KSP project that is the focus of the current drill speculation.
    The KSP project is in the heart of NW British Columbia‟s “Golden Triangle” area that is home to some of the province‟s largest and highest grade gold and copper deposits. CXO‟s strong technical management group, led by geologist and CEO Adam Travis, has decades of experience in the region. Colorado assembled KSP through a series of option agreements that allow it to earn up to 80%. This is a heavily mineralized area and KSP hosts a variety of compelling target types but for our purposes its high grade gold structures similar to the neighbouring past producing Snip mine and nearby Valley of the Kings project that interest us.
    The map below is centered on the Inel target area where CXO plans a 5,000 metre drill program starting in June. This area saw past drilling and underground exploration. That work yielded some very impressive drill results as shown on the map, including historic intercepts of 7.4 metres grading 20.83 g/t gold, 7.5 metres grading 41 g/t gold and 3.5 metres grading 423.8 g/t gold. These are great drill holes but past workers had difficulty piecing together zones and determining what was controlling the gold emplacement.
    Colorado‟s geologists think they have figured out what is controlling the gold zones and plan to test the theory this summer. As the map shows there are three, and probably more, northerly trending mafic sills which may have provided pathways for gold bearing fluids on their margins. The targets are found within perhaps the most impressive gold-in-soil anomalies I‟ve ever seen, a 1.5 km2 area with an average gold grade in soils of 1.25 g/t. Most of this area was covered in snow pack when past workers were there. The snow pack is still retreating allowing Colorado‟s geologists to do a much more complete mapping program. More targets are expected to be found NE of the current targets in recently exposed areas.
    CXO will drill with a larger core size than in the past which may provide more reliable results from the nuggety high grade gold zones. They will be starting with relatively shallow holes. 5,000 metres should be enough for 20-30 holes which means lots of news flow. This is a market that cares about high grade gold results again. If CXO gets strong results it‟s quite possible the drill program would be enlarged.
    Colorado is sufficiently funded to carry out the program. The current 60 million share total and $13 million market value leaves plenty of leverage if high grade results are generated by the drilling. The drilling won‟t start until June which provides a window to accumulate the stock on (hopefully) weakness.

    CXO optioned their Hearts Peak project, roughly 100 km farther north, to Centerra Gold last year. Centerra can earn 70% of Hearts Peak by spending $8 million by 2019. I think that project will also get drilled this summer. While not as impressive as Inel it does boast a lot of high grade gold results at surface and could also generate some excitement.

    Comment by GREGH — April 23, 2016 @ 3:29 pm

  10. Very informative read that was published back in 2012 on the Golden Triangle


    Comment by GREGH — April 23, 2016 @ 3:36 pm

  11. Hi you all! Greetings from the Netherlands. I am a Dutch investor. If you could only choose one stock in the resource sector with (in your opinion) the most explosive upside what would it be? I have a boatload of Sirios, has risen much already! Appreciate your comments.

    Comment by Tran — April 24, 2016 @ 12:41 am

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