August 22, 2023
Daniel’s Den
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August 19, 2023
Daniel’s Den

Daniel T. Cook,
“In the end, they’re not coming after me. They’re coming after YOU and I’m just standing in THEIR way.” – Donald J. Trump.
Trump’s made that statement many times.
It’s powerful.
He said it again recently following not his 1st, 2nd, but 3rd indictment!
And now he has been indicted 4 times, by a partisan and racist left-wing county prosecutor in Fulton County, Georgia, who would rather invest her county’s precious time and resources attacking Trump and conservatives rather than deal with record violent crime in that jurisdiction due to failed “progressive” policies.
How about a round of applause, ladies and gentleman – Trump’s 4th indictment!!!
And his polling numbers keep going up.
The Crooked Establishment Machine, which includes the mainstream media, is freaking out.
Nowadays, given the crime surge in American cities (failed Democrat-controlled jurisdictions), you’ve got to be doing something really right (by pissing the wrong people the F*ck off) to get “indicted” 4 times!
“The ridiculous and baseless indictment of me by the Biden administration’s weaponized Department of Injustice will go down as among the most horrific abuses of power in the history of our country,” Trump went on to say. “Many people have said that; Democrats have even said it. This vicious persecution is a travesty of justice.
“In the end, they’re not coming after me. They’re coming after YOU and I’m just standing in THEIR way.”
There’s a lot to unpack there, but let’s give it a try.
Starting with: Who is “You”, and who is “Them”?
First, though, Jon pointed this out to me this morning as elections loom tomorrow in Guatemala and Ecuador (2nd round in Guatemala, and 1st round in Ecuador where 1 leading candidate was assassinated just days ago) – below are comments from NPR reporter Eyder Peralta in Guatemala City:
“A reformist candidate somehow managed to squeeze into the 2nd round, and it has left the establishment here trying their best to subvert his chances in these elections. And that fight is not subtle. The latest opinion polls give reformist Bernardo Arevalo a 20 or so percentage point lead against Sandra Torres, the favorite of the establishment. And the old guard has launched a full-scale assault against Arevalo. Police raided his party offices. A court tried to disqualify him, and last night a prosecutor threatened to launch a criminal investigation of him. And, you know, not long ago there was an anti-corruption movement in Guatemala, but the people leading it were thrown out of the country. And people seem to have lost hope. Now this election is asking a big question. Does Guatemala get back on a path toward democracy and rule of law, or does the impunity and corruption that have plagued the country just become rooted?“
In some ways she could very well be talking about Joe Biden’s America which has weaponized the justice system against his opponents, while trying to “cancel” or “silence” opposition views in virtually every way possible. This has further fractured a country, perhaps permanently, that Biden promised he would unite. And it sets a horribly dangerous precedent because next time the same thing, launched by a radical Republican county prosecutor in a deep red jurisdiction, could happen against a Democrat President or other “progressive” politician.
Biden himself is in the Media Mob’s Candidate Protection Program (MMCPP). At least 90% of the mainstream media is at war against Trump. They are following their government masters, protecting and favoring Biden. They are the unpaid consultants of a wicked regime. They believe at least half the American population is “deplorable”. They are elitists and the enemy of the American people.
Now, getting back to: Who is “You”, and who is “Them”?
In my opinion, “You” is everyone who voted for Trump and everyone who supports him and/or is against the establishment (more than 74 million people across America, and many millions in Canada, too) tired of the bullshit we’re seeing in America (and Canada) right now.
“You” is every man, woman and child who knows, without doubt, Trump has been treated unfairly. He’s the most intensely investigated person in human history who has been found to be clean (aside from maybe a dirty mouth and some bankruptcies), though many don’t like his tactics (you had to focus on results, not the messy or unconventional process, to gain a true appreciation of Trump’s Presidency).
“You” is every American who now knows that justice isn’t blind. “Progressives” have created a two-tier system of justice, 1 for them (Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton are great examples), and another for conservatives – especially MAGA Republicans.
“You” is everyone who questioned, in any way, the 2020 election results (of course it was perfectly ok for countless Democrats to question the 2016 results and push the Russia Hoax – 1 of the biggest scams in our history – on Americans non-stop for more than 2 years).
Many people, tens of millions of “You”, still don’t believe the story we’ve been sold about the 2020 election – Joe Biden earned the most votes in Presidential history?
Trump had a huge lead. Everyone went to bed. When we woke up the next morning they told us Biden was President. For that sequence of events to happen, with such a slim margin of victory in precisely the right places, it would be like pitching a no-hitter 5 games in a row.
At the very least, the 2020 election was rigged by Democrats who changed the voting rules and by the mainstream media, Big Tech and establishment players in the Democrat Party and America’s security apparatus who covered up the Hunter Biden laptop story among other election interference strategies.
When Americans look at what has unfolded the last 2 years, how the political opposition has been targeted and in some cases threatened with prison time, how inflation has hurt them, how we have lost our energy independence, how we are being played by China, how our borders are a mess, how fentanyl is killing hundreds of thousands of Americans, how many of our cities have become cesspools of crime, how government and government debt keeps growing, how parents have been targeted by the FBI for complaining about the awful things our kids are being taught in school, how Christians are being assailed, how woke policies are undermining our country and making us less safe, how the “climate cult” is putting our economy at risk, how a naive and reckless foreign policy is taking us toward World War III, how we are becoming a tyranny of the minority…
…is it any wonder Americans all over the country are getting really pissed off?
They’re actually chanting FJB!, FJB!, FJB! in select locals.
Not just redneck white folks. Increasingly the Latinx, as they like to call them, have become disgusted by Biden and his bandits. People of color, as they also like to say, of every shade possible, are increasingly disliking the guy, too.
Lately in Florida I’ve noticed these people have designed new flags and bumper stickers to share their viewpoints in a manner that’s less triggering and more kid friendly.
When you think about it, what does it say about Biden when he offers a terse “NO COMMENT” when asked about the devastating wildfire on Maui that wiped out the historical town of Lahaina, the deadliest natural disaster in the U.S. in decades?
“No comment”????? He actually said that when pressed by a reporter while vacationing at his Delaware beach home (disconnected from the masses). If Trump had said that, which he never would, he would have been crucified all over the mainstream media.
Disgraceful response by President Biden. A ‘no comment’ and then a smirk when asked about the horrendous Maui disaster.. just appalling.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) August 14, 2023
In some cities across America (and Canada), people can literally steal, burn, molest, and murder with little to no punishment. The woke politicians who run those cities are part of “Them”.
“Them” are the Soros-selected attorneys general and they will punish you for asking the wrong questions and sharing the wrong ideas. Thought crimes, once only a conspiracy theory found in sci-fi movie scripts, are now real crimes. The one’s doing the policing, the Justice Department folks, are “Them”.
Apparently a sign of knowing you’re in a form of dictatorship is when the population is clear on which people and topics you’re not allowed to talk about.
“Them” are the ones who can’t stomach or tolerate terms like Make America Great Again (MAGA) and America First, because it runs counter to their globalist agenda (this actually includes some establishment Republicans).
“Them” are ones who don’t want the American people to decide the 2024 Presidential election – they are deliberately interfering in that election, attempting to undermine the leading opposition candidate and even force him out, just as they schemed through lies and illegal acts to make him an “illegitimate” President immediately after he was elected November 8, 2016.
“Them” are the hypocrites who claim to be the biggest proponents of democracy but are actually thwarting it, making America more like China or Russia instead.
“Them” are the ones doing the brainwashing in public schools and universities, right from kindergarten.
“Them” are the ones who are sexualizing our children.
“Them” are the ones saying they can’t tell the difference between a man and a woman.
“Them” are the ones obsessed with race, prejudice, and “hate speech”.
“Them” are the ones using scare tactics to make people think the world’s coming to an end if we don’t accept “climate change”, which is largely about taxation, control, social engineering, and wealth redistribution.
“Them” are the ones who are stuffing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion down our throats.
“Them” are the ones who’d prefer Jesus’ name was never spoken.
“Them” are the ones who forced you to take the shot, or else.
“Them” are the mainstream establishment corporate media (sponsored in part by Pfizer).
“You” are the one who doesn’t believe a word the mainstream media says, not anymore because they’ve lied too many times.
“You” are the one busting your ass trying to pay the bills when inflation, super low during the Trump era, has been eating away at your pay check since shortly after Biden took office and rolled out his radical agenda.
“You” are the one who’s pulling your kids out of those horrible school systems or getting elected to positions on the school board to bring needed change.
“You” are the one who’s lost a family member or loved one due to the scourge of fentanyl.
“You” are the one trying to run a business, frustrated by government over-regulation and incompetence.
“You” are the one who just wants to live your life and be left alone.
“You” are the one who’s not going to self-police your freedom of speech, therefore everyone else won’t lose theirs.
“You” are one who’s keeping the faith and praying, praying that some of this madness and criminality comes to an end.
The Man In The Red Hat v. Creepy Uncle Joe
If Biden and his family were investigated to the extent Trump’s has, who’d be getting indicted, impeached, and/or going to jail?
Hahaha. That’s a rhetorical question, of course!
You know it and I know it.
They know it, too, many of “Them”, but they’re blinded and fuelled by hatred.
TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) is a real disease now. Thought crimes and TDS are now both a reality we are living with. Sadly, there seems to be no cure for the latter.
If there was a cure for those with TDS, a self-imposed mental condition brought on by watching excessive amounts of mainstream left-wing media, it might only arrive in the form of seeing Donald J. Trump behind bars. They’d prefer to see a President of the United States of America in prison, falsely accused, than admit they are wrong (and they’ve been wrong, knowingly or not, all along).
Sadly, again, oh so sad, with some cases where there’s advanced TDS even the death penalty wouldn’t be enough.
May we, all of us, take a step back and ask sincerely: What did Trump actually do wrong?
When you criminalize political activity, when you criminalize supposed “lies”, when you criminalize objection to the results of an election, when you’re attacking the First Amendment, you’re going down a very slippery slope (many Democrats should already be in jail).
Trump is by no means perfect, and some of his social media posts are certainly mean, but does he really belong in prison?
Why was he indicted 4 times and impeached twice?
Because The Establishment Machine is scared to death of him.
Trump will turn Washington upside down. This time, he’ll really Drain the Swamp.
The elites won’t be running America anymore. They will lose their power and control.
Time for the “Second American Revolution”, a Common Sense Revolution, from the bottom up.
The onslaught against Trump has been a classic case of targeting the person, not the crime, and that’s not how America’s justice system is supposed to work.
Everyone should read “Get Trump” by Allan Dershowitiz, who didn’t even vote for Trump.
Crazy Times!
Men can have babies, supposedly.
Transgenderism is being allowed to run rampant.
Kids are being told if they’re not comfortable being a boy or a girl, well, they can just change genders!
Free speech, if it doesn’t fit the “progressive” mold or agenda, is under attack.
This would be comical if it weren’t so sad and dangerous.
Anybody wearing a red MAGA hat is the bad guy. They should be punished and they must be stopped, the “progressives” insist. This hat, like the American flag itself, now stands for freedom (and they can’t take that away, though they are making a concerted effort globally to do that).
Never mind how Trump is the most investigated man to ever walk the face of the Earth. Nobody has faced more scrutiny. The establishment, so fearful of him, have been hyper-motivated to target him and dig up any dirt they can. They’ve been investigating and concocting false premises for years (perhaps tens of thousands of people, maybe hundreds of thousands, have been working at this), before and after his Presidency, yet they’ve never found anything really bad – this fact drives them crazy.
It’s a symptom of TDS – never stop searching.
They remain optimistic in their delusion but if they don’t find anything they’ll be forced to tell another lie, because Trump can’t be President ever again.
The world would cease to exist and the world “would be on fire” if he were elected again, according to Crazy Nancy Pelosi.
Meanwhile, enough dirt has been uncovered on Biden, including damn near treasonous acts, to get him impeached or even convicted of federal crimes.
Hell, he bragged openly at the World Economic Forum about how he’d withhold $1 billion to Ukraine if they didn’t fire the prosecutor making a case against his son (drawing a nervous laughter from the crowd).
Joe lied about “never discussing business” with Hunter or not being involved with any of his son’s business dealings (Hunter admitted in court in July, by the way, that he was in fact paid substantial sums from Chinese companies), and Joe’s comments in the 2020 election debate with Trump regarding this matter have proven to be false. Whistleblowers and former associates have testified to how the Bidens collectively “sold the brand” (Joe is the brand) by peddling influence (dozens of calls and meetings, at least). Joe knew his role and what he was doing. He said not even once, never, was he on those calls or in those meetings (I guess if you tell a lie often enough, people might actually believe it?). Or are we supposed to think that he was just totally ignorant and unaware?
Ironic given what now would be his best defense, pleading ignorance.
Old Joe certainly isn’t as sharp and sure-stepped as he once was. His cognitive abilities are eroding by the day.
He has spent his entire career in government, in politics. He is the very definition of the Washington Elite. And over the years he has learned how to milk the system, legally and illegally, and how to live and prosper off the government tit. He has used American taxpayers to become a Rich Man North of Richmond.
Amazing to think millions or tens of millions of dollars can “buy access” and influence with a Vice-President or President (in America). There’s probably much more hidden in various places, along with promises, but as of now there’s highly compelling evidence that at least $20 million to $50 million, and perhaps even more than $100 million, was funnelled to the Biden Crime Family, two-thirds of it from China, while Joe served as VP under Obama from 2009 to 2017. A dozen shell companies were used and money flowed to the Bidens from multiple countries according to The House Oversight Committee. This is far more serious than any of the flimsy indictments against Trump that are based on novel legal theories and infringe on First Amendment rights in ways that would never stand up in the Supreme Court. The evidence suggests that the Obama administration, (erroneously) touted by liberals as “scandal free”, may have turned a blind eye to the biggest political scandal of our time. As Obama reportedly said, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f***k things up.”
Most, nearly all, media outlets work diligently to spin this tectonic story about the Bidens or, in most cases, ignore it altogether (it’s not always what the media reports that’s important, it’s about what they don’t report). Unbelievably, The New York Times and Washington Post won Pulitzer Prizes for their fake stories on the “Russia Hoax”, yet they refuse to dive into this Biden scandal that actually has truth to it. Again, Joe is in the Media Mob’s Candidate Protection Program. The Media Mob is playing the American people like they’re idiots.
To keep things going, the money train can’t stop, it’s never enough – Hunter sells artwork for $80,000 a pop (and up) to “anonymous” buyers.
If there was even a scintilla of any of this to be used against Trump, those same media outlets would be all over it. You’d never see the justice system work faster. They’d have him hauled away immediately.
Sadly, oh so sad, we’re seeing this type of injustice against Trump becoming more normalized (common) in other parts of the world.
It’s kind of surprising, actually, that Trump’s still living here.
In Brazil they ran Bolsonaro out of town. Isn’t he a political refugee now? This huge populist candidate drawing crowds into the hundreds of thousands somehow lost to a convicted criminal.
In Pakistan, Imran Khan, a former Prime Minister, was thrown in jail.
I could be mistaken but I believe both of them are “red hat” kind of guys.
Are these “elections” or are these “selections” in an increasing number of countries around the world, including America?
It sure seems like we’re losing our Republic and it’s being destroyed by design.
Not sure how all of this craziness and polarization eventually resolves itself, but it likely won’t be pretty.
At the very least, America is headed toward its biggest constitutional crisis since the Civil War.
Whenever that occurs, perhaps as early as 2024, there will be market implications.
About the writer: Daniel T. Cook, who joined BMR in June of 2016, hails from Texas and now resides in Florida after recently moving from Utah. Daniel has a strong passion for the junior resource sector and has followed the Venture and broader markets with great interest since he bought his first stock nearly 20 years ago at the age of 12. He became a licensed investment professional who was a Bright Future’s Scholar at the University of Central Florida, graduating in 2010 with a major in Finance.
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